Santiago de Chile airport (SCL)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Arturo Merino Bení­tez International Airport, also known as Pudahuel Airport and opened on February 9, 1967, serves the metropolitan area of the capital of Chile and the entire country. It represents the gateway to South America from Oceania (by number of routes and flights operated) and is an important hub for flights all over the world. With the addition of the new international terminal, opened on February 28, 2022, it has become one of the largest and most modern in Latin America.

Official Website:

Number of Terminals - 2 - Terminal 1 (domestic flights) and Terminal 2 (international flights). Open 24 hours a day and located one in front of the other.

Annual passenger traffic: 23.3 million passengers went through it in 2023.

Tel: +56 2 2690 1796 / 3238 4596 - FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - X (TWITTER)

Information counters are found on levels 1 and 3 of both terminals.


The airport is located in the commune of Pudahuel, 17 km (11 miles) northwest of the city of Santiago.

 See Map

Parking services at Santiago de Chile airport (SCL)

The airport has 4 parking lots 24 hours a day with closed circuit TV, perimeter fence and elevators with direct communication to the boarding level of the terminals. The first 10 minutes are free of charge. In case of loss of ticket, 10 hours are charged for each day of permanence. More information: Tel +56 2 2720 9745. Fares

Expreso 1 (oriente) - For short stays, within walking distance of both terminals.
Expreso 2 (poniente) - Three-level building, one of them under ground. It has a boulevard on its roof where there are shops, gardens and an exhibition center. Seats for passengers with reduced mobility on level 1 and preferential seats for pregnant women and elderly passengers on level 2.
Patagua - 800 meters from the terminals, with bus service every 10 minutes, 24 hours a day.
Económico / Custodia Pehuén - 1.6 kilometers away, connected to the terminals by buses.

Facilities for passengers with special needs

The complex has visual, auditory and tactile facilities, which include elevators, accessible telephones and restrooms, and Braille signage. Wheelchairs are available by reservation at least 48 hours in advance. At the information desk located on the third floor, next to door 2, you can request a special lanyard to receive personalized attention. More information: Tel +56 2 2690 1757.


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