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Useful Tips » Medical Recommendations

Medical recommendations


Pregnant women

If you are pregnant, first of all you should know that it is very important that the doctor gives your prior consent since most airlines have certain restrictions and conditions that we recommend checking before the trip.
Stages of pregnancy - Less than 12 weeks pregnant: Travel is not recommended due to severe discomfort such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue.
- Between 12 and 28 weeks: You can enter without any restrictions. This is true of most airlines.
- Between weeks 29 and 35: You should consult your doctor. This is because during this time there is a greater chance that the baby can be born before the expected date. For this reason, airlines require that women who are in this period present a legal and current medical certificate specifying the state of pregnancy and where the trip is authorized.
- After week 36: You will not be able to fly. The airlines do not allow the entry of women who are more than 35 weeks pregnant because the flight could be very dangerous for both her and the baby.
- Always consider taking out travel insurance with extensive health coverage. When choosing one, you have to check that the pregnancy is included in the guarantees and even when the coverage is valid.
- Always look for a seat on the aisle side and near the bathroom for your comfort. This way you can walk every hour to activate circulation and reduce the risk of thrombosis. It is also advisable to wear comfortable shoes and in some cases it is also usually optimal to wear compression stockings.
- Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. In some destinations it is advisable not to brush your teeth with tap water, or to consume ice, and to drink only bottled water. And eat foods that are within those allowed by your doctor.
- Ask one of the cabin crew for an extender in case the seat belt feels too tight. The hostesses will explain, but it must be placed in the pelvic area below the belly, on the hips.

Various medical situations

Depending on the passenger's medical situation, it may be very important to consult a doctor in case of having had a recent surgical operation, especially ocular, abdominal or pulmonary. If you travel with your legs in a cast; if you have suffered a heart attack or have circulatory problems.
At the same time, extreme caution is required if you have any lung disease or respiratory failure, chronic sinusitis, middle ear infections or otitis, or respiratory infections or allergies.
In case of diving, do not fly within 24 hours of the activity.
On trips lasting more than three hours, airlines usually recommend certain food and drink guidelines, as well as some physical exercises during the flight that help increase passenger well-being and reduce the inconvenience of prolonged immobility. Walking in the corridors of the plane is usually a good exercise to avoid a possible thrombosis or other complication.

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