São Paulo Congonhas airport (CGH)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

São Paulo/Congonhas - Deputado Freitas Nobre Airport, opened on April 12, 1936, is the most important domestic airport in the country. Due to a tragic accident in July 2007, it was decided to enlarge the two runways and eliminate combination flights, leaving only direct flights, in order to reduce its traffic. Since then, it is considered one of the safest airports in Brazil.

Official Website: aenabrasil.com.br

Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.

Annual passenger traffic: 22 million passengers went through it in 2023.

Tel: +55 11 5090 9000 - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER

There are information desks in the central hall. Tourist office in the access corridor to the Arrivals area, available from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm (Tel +55 11 5090 9137).


The airport is located within the city, in the Vila Congonhas neighborhood, and only 8.7 km (5.4 miles) south of downtown São Paulo.

 See Map

Parking services at São Paulo Congonhas airport (CGH)

The official airport parking operator is Estapar (Tel 0 800 010 5560).

There is a modern garage building, with covered and uncovered spaces. The lots have insurance against theft and fire, night surveillance and computerized service in the stalls. There are also spaces reserved for the elderly, pregnant women and wheelchair users, as well as larger premium spaces near the boarding area and with access to the VIP lounge.

On the other hand, the Gate One parking lot is more economical and is located outside the airport, but access to the Arrivals and Departures Halls is through a walkway.

Reservation system

Exclusive access: access the parking lot through an exclusive gate, dedicated to the reservation service. Upon arrival, the gate will open automatically through license plate recognition or QR code.

The Garanta Sua Vaga service is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system that recognizes the license plate of the vehicle. By booking through the Vaga Inteligente App or through the operator's website, your car will have a reserved space before leaving your home or hotel. After booking, you will receive the data by e-mail or QR code.

Go to the exclusive barrier for customers and wait for the automatic opening by reading the license plate of the vehicle (the same inserted in the reservation) or present the code at the entrance totem. You can then select the parking space of your choice. To exit the parking lot, both the reading of the card and the use of the code itself will cause the barriers to open automatically.


From R$39.90 per day and R$79.80 from 2 to 5 days. Prices vary depending on the type of vacancy and the amount of time you leave your car. The longer the vehicle is parked, the lower the daily parking fee.

More information

Facilities for passengers with special needs

Special needs passengers have access ramps, adapted restrooms and telephones, and ambulifts to board the aircraft. If you require special assistance or wheelchairs, contact your airline before your flight. More information: Tel +55 11 5090 9115.


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