Tucson airport (TUS)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Tucson International Airport, opened on November 14, 1919, serves a large part of the state of Arizona and primarily operates domestic flights.

Official Website: flytucson.com - FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - X

Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.

Annual passenger traffic: 3.8 million passengers went through it in 2023.

Tel: +1 520 573 8100

Information counters are located next to the terminal entrance, on the baggage claim level, and there are also volunteers in blue uniforms who assist passengers.


The airport is located in Pima County, 13 km (7 miles) south of downtown Tucson.

 See Map

Parking services at Tucson airport (TUS)

There are areas for short and long term stays near the terminal and a free passenger pick-up area at the airport entrance (Cell Phone Waiting Lot). Payment can be made by credit card at the EasyPay stations outside the baggage claim area or by cash or card at the ATMs located at the exit of the parking lots. Bicycle-only areas outside Gates B and C. More information: Tel +1 520 573 4710. Rates

Hourly - Short-term area directly in front of the terminal, with semi-covered spaces.
Daily - Adjacent to the previous sector, for long stays, with covered and open-air spaces.
Garage - Parking located to the east of the main building, next to the car rental offices.
Economy - Budget sector with covered and open-air spaces and complementary shuttle bus service every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day.

Facilities for passengers with special needs

It is recommended that you contact your airline in advance for any special needs. Facilities include adapted telephones, elevators, Braille signage, moving walkways, reserved parking spaces, relief areas for service animals, and accessible restrooms. Ground transportation services have vehicles equipped to transport passengers with reduced mobility.


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Latest updates: August 06, 2024