Varadero airport (VRA)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Juan Gualberto Gómez Airport, opened on September 25, 1989, is one of the busiest in the country thanks to its tourist movement, receiving flights from Europe, North America and the Caribbean.

Official Website:
Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.
Annual passenger traffic: 1.6 million passengers went through it in 2017.
Tel: +53 45 613 016 / 247 015. E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected].


The airport is located 10 km (6 miles) to the southwest of the city of Varadero.

 See Map

Public and private transportation

Bus - A regular service from Viazul (Tel +53 45 614 886) links the airport with the city, stopping at most points of interest, like the mall, the market and the main hotels. Journey time is 15-20 minutes. Other destinations include Bayamo, Camagüey, Guntánamo, La Habana, Playa Larga, Santa Clara and Viñales. Schedules and fares

Taxi - Cabs operate from outside the main building and the trip to downtown Varadero takes around 30 minutes, with a fare of USD25.00-30.00.


Car rental agencies

Desks are located in the Arrivals Hall.

Cubacar (Tel +49 89 3128 6947)
Havanautos (Tel +1 855 654 872 835)
Rex (Tel +53 45 667 739 - 8:00 am to 8:00 pm)
Via Transgaviota (Tel +53 7 206 9935)


Parking services at Varadero airport (VRA)

There is an outdoor parking area opposite the terminal building.

Facilities for passengers with special needs

Facilities are limited. Passengers requiring special assistance or wheelchairs should arrange the proper services with their airline before their arrival.

  Rent a car at Varadero (VRA)   Accommodation in Varadero  VIP LOUNGE PASS   Cheap Flights

Latest updates: November 23, 2019