Trujillo airport (TRU)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Capitán FAP Carlos Martí­nez de Pinillos International Airport, remodeled and expanded in 2004, serves the province of Trujillo and is the main gateway to the north of the country. It operates domestic flights to Lima and international flights to Chile.

Official Website:

Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.

Airlines: JetSMART, LATAM, SKY Airline.

Annual passenger traffic: 760,000 passengers went through it in 2022.

Tel: +51 44 464 224

There is a customer service desk in the public area of the terminal.


The airport is located in the district of Huanchaco, 10 km (7 miles) northwest of Trujillo.

 See Map

Public and private transportation


Cabs from Tico Taxi (Tel +51 44 282 828), Taxi Sonrisas (Tel +51 44 233 000) and Taxi Platinum VIP (Tel +51 44 656 505) available outside the terminal. The trip to downtown Trujillo takes approximately 30 minutes.

Car rental agencies

Rent a Car 3B (Tel +51 1 979 685 374) offers 24-hour car rental services from its office in the Arrivals Hall.


Parking services at Trujillo airport (TRU)

There is an open-air, unfenced parking area in front of the main airport building.

Facilities for passengers with special needs

Passengers requiring special assistance are advised to coordinate appropriate services with their airline prior to travel.


  Rent a car at Trujillo (TRU)   Accommodation in Trujillo  VIP LOUNGE PASS   Cheap Flights

Latest updates: May 14, 2024