Sacramento airport (SMF)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Sacramento International Airport, opened on October 21, 1967, serves the capital of the state of California. It operates domestic flights and international destinations in Canada and Mexico.

Official Website: - FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - X

Number of Terminals - 2 - Terminals A and B, open 24 hours a day. Connected to each other by free shuttles throughout the day, every 10 minutes.

Annual passenger traffic: 13 million passengers went through it in 2023.

Tel: +1 916 929 5411

Information desk on level 1 of Terminal B, in the baggage claim area.


The airport is located 16 km (10 miles) northwest of downtown Sacramento.

 See Map

Parking services at Sacramento airport (SMF)

There are areas for short and long stays, with charging stations for electric vehicles. Near the entrance to the site, there is an area for passenger pick-up (Cell Phone Lot), free of charge for 3 hours. More information: Tel +1 916 874 0825. Rates

Hourly B Parking - For short stays, located near Terminal B.
Parking Garage A & B - Covered parking for short and long stays, connected to the terminals by bridges on levels 3 and 5.
Daily Lots A & B - Long-term sectors, with complementary bus service every 15-20 minutes.
East & West Economy Lots - Economy areas away from the terminals. Courtesy buses run at 25-30 min. intervals.

Facilities for passengers with special needs

Adapted telephones, Braille signage, reserved parking spaces, elevators, escalators, relief areas for service animals. Airlines can provide wheelchairs free of charge upon reservation, or you can call Tel +1 916 874 0126 one or two days in advance. Paratransit (Tel +1 916 429 2744) and Med Star (Tel +1 916 669 0550) offer transportation for passengers with reduced mobility.


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Latest updates: August 17, 2024