Lubbock airport (LBB)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport serves the Lubbock County with domestic flights.

Official Website:
Number of Terminals - 1 -
Airlines: SouthWest, United, American
Annual passenger traffic:
Tel: +1 (806) 775-2044


 The airport is 5 miles (8 km) north of Lubbock, in Lubbock County, Texas.

 See Map

What services does Lubbock airport (LBB) facilities include

Free Wi-fi access, two meeting rooms that are available to rent (booking 806-775-3126)

Dining - restaurants, cafes, fast food

Shopping - travel retail store.

Lost and Found - To locate items left at security checkpoint, contact the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) 866-289-9673 or call Airport Operations 806-775-2044 for items left in the terminal. For items left on an aircraft check with airline operator.


Accommodation near Lubbock airport (LBB)

Scottish Inn and Suites (6.3 km), Tech Inn (8.1 km)

  Booking accommodation

Public and private transportation

Ridesharing - Uber and Lyft are allowed at the at the green curb 

Taxis and limousines are also available


Car rental agencies

Most of the major car rental agencies have desks on site.

Parking services at Lubbock airport (LBB)

There is an open air parking area with two long-term lots, one short-term lot and a car rental lot. In addition, there is a Parking Garage.

Call Terminal Parking 806-775-3802 

The first 30 minutes are free of charge. See parking rates

Facilities for passengers with special needs

LBB is set up to serve the needs of all travelers. All areas of the airport are handicap accessible. Skycaps and airline personnel are available for assistance. The terminal is equipped with AED€™s and trained staff are on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

  Rent a car at Lubbock (LBB)   Accommodation in Lubbock  VIP LOUNGE PASS   Cheap Flights

Latest updates: April 25, 2019