Caye Caulker airport (CUK)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Caye Caulker Airport is an airstrip serving the island with the same name, in Belize. Because it is an international touristic point, it operates with several daily flights (scheduled and private charters) to/from Belize City and San Pedro.

Official Website: 
Number of Terminals - 1 -
Airlines: Tropic Air (tel in U.S. 800-422-3435; in Caye Caulker, 501-22-2040)
Annual passenger traffic:


The airport is 1.6 km (mile) south of downtown Caye Caulker.

 See Map

What services does Caye Caulker airport (CUK) facilities include

The airport is very small and precarious, with very few facilities, such as being an office for encomiendas service. There is no distinction between arrivals or boarding sectors.


Accommodation near Caye Caulker airport (CUK)

Mayan Falls is within walking distance.


  Booking accommodation

Public and private transportation

Being so small and being next to the village, there is no designated area for transportation


Car rental agencies

There are no car rental counters at the airport.


Parking services at Caye Caulker airport (CUK)

There is no designated area for car parking

Facilities for passengers with special needs

For passengers with special needs or reduced mobility, contact the airline to coordinate the trip 48 hours in advance.

  Rent a car at Caye Caulker (CUK)   Accommodation in Caye Caulker  VIP LOUNGE PASS   Cheap Flights

Latest updates: July 25, 2019