Cuiabá airport (CGB)

Location details, contact information, airlines, departure and arrival flight status, transportation, facilities and services, parking, special passenger amenities, nearby hotels and answers to passengers' frequently asked questions.


 Passenger Guide

Cuiabá Marechal Rondon International Airport, opened in 1956, is the most important in the state of Mato Grosso. It operates mostly domestic flights.

Official Website:

Number of Terminals - 1 - Open 24 hours a day.

Annual passenger traffic: 2.9 million passengers went through it in 2022.

Tel: +55 65 3614 2500 / 2511 - FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM

The information counter is found in the Arrivals Hall and is available around the clock.


The airport is located in the city of Várzea Grande, 8 km (5 miles) south of Cuiabá.

 See Map

Parking services at Cuiabá airport (CGB)

The parking lot operates 24 hours a day, is located in front of the terminal building and provides open-air spaces for short and long stays. Further information: Tel +55 65 996 439 655. Rates

Facilities for passengers with special needs

Facilities include elevators, escalators, telephones and adapted restrooms, and an ambulift for boarding and disembarking from the aircraft.


  Rent a car at Cuiaba (CGB)   Accommodation in Cuiaba  VIP LOUNGE PASS   Cheap Flights

Latest updates: March 25, 2024